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Surgery Layout Planning

Surgery Layout Planning

The Henry Schein Dental Design Team is dedicated to creating functional and innovative surgeries and dental practices.

Our team of Equipment Sales Specialists will work closely with you to provide a personal plan for your ideal practice environment that meets your unique needs and dreams. Through the optimal use of space, equipment, and design elements, Henry Schein Dental will help you to transform your ideas into a well-organised practice that offers the ultimate in patient care.

One of the most important aspects of a successful new surgery installation is undoubtedly the planning. Our Design team will create a range of innovative layouts tailored to your tastes and practical requirements, taking careful consideration of the processes within your surgery and creating a space that is both functional and stylish. We will then prepare a detailed CAD (Computer Aided Design) design layout which will enable you to see your ideas come to life. Decontamination Rooms are also included, ensuring the dirty to clean flow works effectively within the space and is HTM 01-05 compliant. We also offer a bespoke reception desk design service to complete the dental practice design offering.

To further enhance your visualisation of the space, we offer 3D rendered images of your surgery/ies, decontamination room, reception area and laboratory. We can tailor the design of your practice to complement your branding and colour scheme.

Our Equipment Sales Specialists will be happy to discuss our 3D drawing packages with you. With the chosen layout finalised, your Equipment Sales Specialist will coordinate the entire installation process with architects, contractors, engineers, suppliers and cabinetry manufacturers. The Design Team will provide the supportive technical service plans.

With the chosen layout finalised, your Equipment Sales Specialist will coordinate the entire installation process with architects, contractors, engineers, suppliers and cabinetry manufacturers. The Design Team will provide the supportive technical service plans.

Make it a reality. Call 0800 028 4870.

Design your Treatment Room - click here to watch the video.